SQL formatter Web Service

We are pleased to let you know that  SQL formatter web service is available now. This is another chooice for you to use our SQL formatter, Besides using  free online version at http://www.dpriver.com/pp/sqlformat.htm , you can use this SQL formatter web service  in your own application with a low cost as well.

By using this SQL formatter web service, you can add sql formatter feature to your application instantly. This is the same web service used by Instant SQL formatter.

The POST request method must be used when your client application send data to this SQL formatter web service server, your POST requests must include a message body(in xml) which contains SQL text that need to be formatted and SQL format options. This SQL formatter service will return a message(in xml) that indicate whether your SQL was formatted correctly or not, if you SQL was beautified successfully, formatted SQL will be included, otherwise, an error message will be included.

You can visit here to find more information about how to use this SQL formatter web service.


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