We are pleased to let you know that SQL Pretty Printer V3.3.0 is available on May 4, 2012. This version begin to support MDX formatting. Add 12 new format options, now there are more than one hundred format options make sql pretty printer more flexible to achieve SQL layout you need.

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1. support MDX formatting.

mdx drillthrough formatting

2. new format option:gfmtopt.AlignAndOrWithOnInJoinClause, able to align AND/OR keywords with ON in join clause.

select join clause align and with on

3. new format option:gfmtopt.expr_concat_string_max_length, format string concat expression into a more readable format.

sql formatting string concat expression

4. new format options: gfmtopt.CaseWhenInSamelineAsCase, gfmtopt.CaseThenExprInNewline,gfmtopt.CaseElseExprInNewline, able to set case expression into a new layout.

sql formatting case expression then else in newline

5. new format options: gfmtopt.BEStyle_createtable_leftBEIndentSize, gfmtopt.BEStyle_createtable_rightBEIndentSize,gfmtopt.Createtable_Fieldlist_Comma_option, gfmtopt.Createtable_Fieldlist_Style. Control layout for create table in a more flexible way, these format options apply to declare table as well.

sql formatting create table indent parenthesis

6. new format option: gfmtopt.Insert_Columns_Per_line. This format option make it much more easy to link value to column in insert statement.
if there is a subquery in insert statement, select list also effected by this option no matter what’s value of Select_Columnlist_Style was set.

sql formatting insert column on each line

7. new format options: gfmtopt.WhereClauseAlignExpr, align expression in where clause.

sql formatting align expression in where clause

8. new format options: gFmtOpt.AlignAliasInFromClause, align table alias in from clause.

sql formatting align table alias in from clause

9. format privot table in a more readable layout

sql formatting pivot table

10. format AnalyticFunction in a more readable layout.

sql formatting analytic function

11. better support of –begin_no_format, –end_no_format tag to preserve original sql layout.

12. Improve internal parser to support more SQL syntax of different databases.

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