Listing all table and column references
This tool takes advantage of General Sql Parser’s (GSP) power parsing ability to list all table and column relationships, table action mode(select/update/delete/insert/merge) and column location(select list/where clause/join condition) in sql scripts. It’s also able to rename table and column precisely.
SQL can be nested inside stored procedure. There is no need connect to a database instance to get all table and column references as long as the SQL itself is not ambiguous. With provided metadata information, this tool can determine relationship of table and column even if SQL is ambiguous.
Extract table and column names from sql script
SELECT e.last_name, e.department_id, d.department_name FROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN department d ON ( e.department_id = d.department_id );
Table and columns:
Tables: department employees Columns department.department_id department.department_name employees.department_id employees.last_name
Extract table and column names from ambiguous sql script
select sum(promo_sales) from (select promo_desc, sum(dollars) as promo_sales from promotion natural join sales group by promo_desc) as promos where promo_desc not like 'No%';
Result without providing metadata:
Tables: promotion sales Columns: missed.dollars missed.promo_desc
As you can see, column dollars and promo_desc were marked as missed. You can provide metadata by using callback function provided by GSP library. For above sql script, if you provide following metadata:
{"server","db","schema","promotion","promo_desc"}, {"server","db","schema","sales","dollars"}
Then, you will get result generated by this tool like this:
Tables: promotion sales Columns: promotion.promo_desc sales.dollars
CRUD report of tables in sql script
insert into sales_reps(id,name) select employee_id,last_name from employees where job_id like '%REP%';
CRUD result:
sstinsert sales_reps(tetInsert) id(resultColumn) name(resultColumn) sstselect employees(tetSelect) employee_id(resultColumn) last_name(resultColumn) job_id(where)
As you can see, table sales_reps is marked as insert and table employees is marked as Select. Furthermore, location of columns is listed as well.
Give a try of Get Table Column Live Demo
Rename table and column in sql script
You may use text search and replace method to rename table/column in sql script. This only works for simple sql query, for the most real world sql, text search and replace or regex search doesn’t work. Let’s take this sql for example:
SELECT,, FROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN employees m ON ( e.mgr_id = ) LEFT OUTER JOIN department d ON ( e.department_id = d.department_id )
If we need to rename to ename. We can’t just replace all name with ename because it will also change to ename. We also can’t just replace with e.ename, this will make unchanged. The result we need is:
SELECT e.ename, m.ename, FROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN employees m ON ( e.mgr_id = ) LEFT OUTER JOIN department d ON ( e.department_id = d.department_id )
This is only achievable by using the power parsing ability of GSP.
Give a try of Rename Table Column Live Demo
How to get this tool
Please download the latest version of General SQL Parser from download page. For Java version, please check under demos\gettablecolumns\ directory. For .NET version, please check getTableColumn.cs under demoCollections\getTableColumn\ directory.
Data lineage and column impact
Based on the power parsing ability, collecting the data lineage model and analyze column impact from a bunch of sql files is possible. Please check this document for more information.
Detailed explanation about how this demo works
When you are reading source code of this tool, content listed below will help you to make a better understand of how this demo works.
The logic to list all table and column in SQL script is quite simple (source code of this tool is included so you can modify it to fit your own need)
1. Parse SQL script, this tool will quit with error message if it can’t parse SQL script successfully.
2. Iterate all statements recursively including nested subqueries and statements in stored procedure.
3. For each statement, list all tables involved. Table can be base table, subquery, CTE or linked Table(Detailed explanation of those tables please check document alter). Operation such as select/insert/delete/update apply to this table also included.
4. For each table, list all columns belong to this table. Location of this column such as select list, where condition, join condition also included.
Table type
There are several types of table in SQL statement. Table type is important when GSP build reference between column and table.
1. base table, this is the physical table that exists inside database.
select ename from emp;
emp is a base table.
2. subquery, also know as derived table.
select e.employeeName from (select ename as employeeName from emp) e
(select ename as employeeName from emp) in from clause is treated as a table which type is subquery. column employeeName in select list of main query is linked to this subquery while ename inside subquery is linked to base table: emp.
3. CTE(Common Table Expression)
with venuecopy(vid,vname) as (select venueid,venuename from venue) select vid from venuecopy
venuecopy is a table which type is CTE. column vid in select list is linked to venuecopy.
4. Linked Table, this is table type defined by GSP.
4.1 deleted, inserted table in SQL Server create trigger statement.
CREATE TRIGGER updEmployeeData ON employeeData FOR update AS IF (COLUMNS_UPDATED() & 14) > 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO auditEmployeeData (audit_log_type, audit_emp_SSN) SELECT 'OLD', del.emp_SSN FROM deleted del INSERT INTO auditEmployeeData (audit_log_type, audit_emp_SSN) SELECT 'NEW', ins.emp_SSN FROM inserted ins END
deleted, inserted are linked table in this SQL, they linked to based table employeeData .
4.2 table alias used in update statement.
UPDATE t1 SET col1 = t1.col2 FROM mydb.dbo.table1 t1 JOIN mydb.dbo.table2 t2 ON t1.col3 = t2.col3
t1 is a link table which is linked to mydb.dbo.table1.
This tool is available after General SQL Parser .NET version 2.6.3 and Java version For old version of this tool, please check
1. OLD VERSION of Get columns and tables in SQL script (.NET version)
2. OLD VERSION of Get columns and tables in SQL script (Java version)