Why do companies need data integration?
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at why do companies need data integration. Data integration is literally well understood, mainly the data between the independent information systems of the enterprise. In many applications, people need to integrate data from different sources in order to obtain effective analysis results. Otherwise, incomplete data will lead to inaccurate analysis results. Data integration logically or physically integrates data from several disparate data sources into a unified data set.
![Why do companies need data integration?](https://www.dpriver.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Why_do_companies_need_data_integration.png)
1. What is data integration?
What is data integration? According to statistics, 80% of the work in enterprise big data projects is related to data integration.
Data integration is literally well understood, mainly the data between the independent information systems of the enterprise. In many applications, people need to integrate data from different sources in order to obtain effective analysis results. Otherwise, incomplete data will lead to inaccurate analysis results. Data integration logically or physically integrates data from several disparate data sources into a unified data set.
2. Why do companies need data integration?
In the enterprise, because of the different development time or development department, often have multiple heterogeneous, run on different hardware and software platform of information system running at the same time, the system of data independent of each other, mutually close, makes it hard for data exchange, sharing and integration between systems, thus formed the “information island”.
3. The Problem of Data Silos in Enterprises
Information silos (or data silos) are datasets that are easily accessible within various departments of an enterprise, but difficult or even inaccessible across departments. This will affect departmental coordination, waste corporate resources and restrict corporate development.
With the continuous deepening of enterprise informatization, digitization, and intelligent applications, the demand for data sharing and interaction within enterprises and between enterprises and external parties is increasingly strong. It is urgent to integrate existing information and break the problem of “information islands” in enterprises.
4. Using Data Integration Software to Solve Data Silos Problem
Solving the problem of enterprise data silos starts with understanding all the data, seeing all the information you have in the business, protecting sensitive data, making sure your security policy is very clear about sensitive data, creating your IT security policy, introducing change. As we mentioned before, many data silos are created because people don’t know more, and changing company culture and emphasizing transparency and collaboration facilitates collaboration among employees.
Thank you for reading our article and we hope it can help you to have a better understanding of why do companies need data integration. If you want to learn more about data integration, we would like to advise you to visit Gudu SQLFlow for more information.
As one of the best data lineage tools available on the market today, Gudu SQLFlow can not only analyze SQL script files, obtain data lineage, and perform visual display, but also allow users to provide data lineage in CSV format and perform visual display.