New SQL format options in Ver3.2.0

We have introduced 9 new format options in SQL Pretty Printer version 3.2.0.

1. IntoClauseInNewline

select into clause format option

when IntoClauseInNewline is false

select into clause format option is false

when IntoClauseInNewline is true

select into clause format option is true

2. WhereClauseInNewline, LinefeedsAndOr_option

select where clause format option

when WhereClauseInNewline is false

select where clause format option is false

when WhereClauseInNewline is true

select where clause format option is true

position of AND/OR keyword and newline, when AND/OR keyword is in the end of line:

select where clause format option, AND OR keyword in the end of line

position of AND/OR keyword and newline, when AND/OR keyword is at the same line:

select where clause format option, AND OR keyword in the end of line

3. GroupByClauseInNewline, Select_Groupby_Style

select group by clause format option

when GroupByClauseInNewlineis false

select group by clause format option is false

when GroupByClauseInNewlineis true

select group by clause format option is true

when group by column list style is wrapped.

select group by clause format option is true

4. OrderByClauseInNewline, Select_Orderby_Style

select order by clause format option

when OrderByClauseInNewline is false

select order by clause format option is false

when OrderByClauseInNewline is true

select order by clause format option is true

when order by column list style is wrapped.

select order by clause format option is true

5. HavingClauseInNewline

select having clause format option

when HavingClauseInNewline is false

select having clause format option is false

when HavingClauseInNewline is true

select having clause format option is true

6. Update_Columnlist_Style

when Update_Columnlist_Style is stacked

update set clause format option is false

when Update_Columnlist_Style is wrapped

update set clause format option is true

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