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General SQL Parser Java v0.5 release

There are lots of improvements since V0.4, below are some of the most important improvements: Oracle SQL and PLSQL query parse tree structure was fully accessible. toString() of all parse tree node classes was supported, so you can get text of parse…

General SQL Parser Java v0.4 release

In this version, we can easily fetch table and column from stored procedures(packages) of Oracle and SQL Server. Let’s take this create trigger statement(Oracle) for example: CREATE TRIGGER hr.emp_permit_changes BEFORE DELETE OR INSERT OR UPDATE ON hr.employees BEGIN INSERT INTO…

SQL formatter Web Service

We are pleased to let you know that  SQL formatter web service is available now. This is another chooice for you to use our SQL formatter, Besides using  free online version at , you can use this SQL formatter…

General SQL Parser Java v0.3 release

In this release, General SQL Parser can fetch all tables and columns in select/delete/insert/update and create table statement. Use this SQL Parser Java version, It’s very easy to find out the tables have Create, Read, Update, Delete and Insert operations…

General SQL Parser Java v0.2 release

In this release, General SQL Parser can fetch all tables and columns in select statement. It  supports SQL dialect of Oracle and SQL Server database . This feature will be very useful if you need to analyze  tons of SQL…